Leisure options
walking barefoot on the meadow
sunbathing on the lawn
swiming in the pond all year round
walks on forest paths
bike rides
nature observing
birds voices, frig songs choirs, grasshoppers listening
conversation evenings by the fire
barbecue events
tea events in the gazebo abd dream cathcer house
fireside chats
soaking in the hot tub, jacuzzi, pond
sauna procedures
the fresh air physical activities
volleyball, football, badminton
ice skating
guests reception
parties celebration
retreat events
special events celebration
cooking tohether
enjoying the harbor of peace
forest animals, birds watching
good night's sleeping
the joy of being tohether
wedding events
Tuvākā apkārtne
Ieriķi walking trails and mills
Cecīļi nature trails and walks with huskies
Kūķu rocks
Spāres Manor Writer's park
Melānija Vanagas Museum
Āraiši mill
Āraiši lake-castle archaelogical park and ancient latvians houses
Melturi forest-brothers bunker
Līgatne river nature trails
Līgatne nature trails with wildlife animals watching
Amata rabbir garden
More safari park
"Rakši" camels park
ZEIT recreation complex in Ligatne
Cēsu castle ruins
Livonian Order Sigulda castle
Turaida museamu reserve and castle
Vienkoči woodcraft park
Zvārte rock
Ligatne soviet time secret bunker